
Showing posts from November, 2018

Google Extension: Sir Links-a-Lot

Did you know that there are more ways to share files than those listed by Google?  View Only Editing Rights Force Copy (change the end of the URL from edit to copy) Template (change the end of the URL to template/preview) That's a lot to remember. The Chrome Extension Sir Links-a-Lot  makes sharing Google files easy. Just click the extension, and choose how you want to share the link.

A new way to create a new doc - or anything Google. View this post on Instagram Google has set up some time-saving URLs. When typed into a web browser, these these URLs start new documents. For example, type into your browser’s address bar and a new Google Docs document will load. There are .new URLs for Docs, Sheets, Slides, Sites, and Forms. A post shared by Tony Vincent (@learninginhand) on Oct 28, 2018 at 6:19am PDT

Gmail: Enable Undo Send

Have you ever sent an email and wish you could take it back? Did you know Gmail has a function to unsend an email? Enabling the undo send function in Gmail will let you undo a sent email for up to 30 seconds.  To enable undo send: 1. Click on the settings in the inbox (the gear icon) 2. Click settings. In the Settings menu under the General tab, Undo Send is the fifth option down. Select how long you want to have befor your emails are sent.